(Selection by Selection to Select) is a project materializes items selected from a list of unified data in a single format through various purposes and media, and archives the selected and materialized results again. The whole process of the project is to start with an experiment on graphics and 2D format, expand the data collected in the experiment process to furniture and objects, print and digital media, and then refine the final result into a collection once again. starts with an unintended collection of drawings. Graffiti is collected and a list is formed through vector dataization. Intuitively selecting the selected item, giving it a medium and purpose, and substantiating it. Here, data goes through a completely different process depending on the purpose and becomes materialized in various shapes. The selected vector data is given a purpose and a medium, and goes through a design process having a structure suitable for it. is a collection of graffiti, a collection of processes in which graffiti becomes materialized, and a collection of real entities. is a process and set of mixed media that select and apply vector data.